Defeating Leo
Track created for a peer on my games programming course. The client brief was to create an easy going low-fi style piece of music to play in the background of their game.
Enola Theme:
Leit motif created for our main character of Enola. the character s a young girl who is mute, and perceives the world as black and white. Until a traumatic event transports her to a new world where she is able to learn and understand new emotions bringing colour back to the real world.
Wrestling Intro: Give me one more
Track created for a client who needed an aggresive entrance theme music for his wrestling persona. The persona was a personal trainer, with that in mind i named the track Give me one more.
Critter Creator
Multiple tracks and sound effects created for the mobile game Critter Creator.
Defeating Leo
Track created for a peer on my games programming course. The client brief was to create an easy going low-fi style piece of music to play in the background of their game.
Wrestling Intro: Give me one more
Track created for a client who needed an aggresive entrance theme music for his wrestling persona. The persona was a personal trainer, with that in mind i named the track Give me one more.